
As lockdown is easing, and things are getting back to a more “normal” – #MacroMonday has been a eased – thank you to everyone for playing and enjoying the weekly entries for the Macro images. Unfortunately I am struggling to find the time to get the images up on the weekly basis now – I promise to keep it going but on a more ad-hoc style (and instead of giving the answer the same day, I’ll perhaps give you some more time to guess the #Macro 😉 ).

Whilst lockdown is easing – during any quiet times don’t forget to revisit your past images. Re-visit them with a critique view and mindset – judge them as if they are not your images. What worked well? What didn’t work well? Why didn’t it work well? Is the composition correct? Is the exposure correct? Could props have helped with the image? etc etc etc

On this #TakeMeBackTuesday we are heading back to 2017 at Headcorn Aerodrome. This aerodrome is great for hobbyist photographers, and if you’re local, it’s well worth a visit – there’s plenty to photograph.

Timothy Older

Timothy Older

Level 4 Photography and Photoshop Accredited.
Photographing Weddings, Portraits, Business Events, and more.

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